index > about me
it's me!
A don't-wanna-be-japanese, name's Hyuponia Halfmirage.
You can call me Hyuponia, Hyu, or Misaki.
Thanks for clicking the fake link - I would like to elaborate a bit on this.

So. I just want to say that I don't have any strong feelings about pronouns - Like, I'm not going to yell at you for getting mine wrong or something. However, the reason I personally put my pronouns on places, is in hopes to make this a "standard". If this becomes a common practice, it is my hope that people could be less scared of writing theirs.
I don't think my action alone won't change enough of things, but it is a start, yes?

I hope this reasoning is understandable.
May heaven grant you fortune.
I draw for fun, I mod for fun, I pixel art for fun.
I also try to gamedev and even do a little bit of 3D!
Well, basically! I am only subpar at whatever I do.
But you know every person on the internet is self-deprecating these days.
It's all up to you how you judge my skill!
I love:
My friends, Cheap sweets, Potato fries, Corn dogs, Cats, Ys, Fairies, Afterimages, Reflections, Fancy shaders, DnB, Super Smash Bros Melee's menu visual style, "Frutiger Aero" a.k.a. early 2000's aesthetics (windows vista etc), and water

i try not to dislike things, but one thing i openly dislike is Bad UX/UI and Ads. i try to not be so negative about it though!
i have nothing to show off or anything but i guess i won a rivals of aether community awards for Best Character Design once
there was a whole official live stream and everything and i gave a speech there that was wild
who am i? i don't know who i am either