hey. i made a new version of the page. doesn't have everything this old version has, but it's a bit more organized i think? atleast hopefully.
click here to be linked there.

there should be a "frame" on the left. sidebar thing. if not, click here
browse those for other pages

i've put absolutely no regards to mobile and all the "responsive design" in these pages
desktop mode should suit all the needs...

filler fun fact:

did you know, Treetop Lodge and The Forest Floor
has a special variant for matches with greater number of players?

N/A status:
Stage 1: animation blobs
Stage 2: coding and movesets
Stage 3: playtest
Stage 4: add parts to ⚀
Stage 5: border n shading n stuff
Stage 6: render all those anims
Stage 7: playtest further

Stage 8: there it goes (there's still some other things to be done before it shall be released)

Stage 5 status:

☑ idle
☑ walk
☑ walkturn

☑ jump
☑ jumpstart
☑ walljump
☑ doublejump

☑ airdodge

☑ dash
☑ dashstart
☑ dashstop
☐ dashturn
☑ land
☐ landinglag
☑ waveland
☐ pratfall
☑ crouch
☑ tech
☑ roll
☑ parry

☑ hurt
☑ bighurt
☑ hurtground
☑ bouncehurt
☑ spinhurt
☑ uphurt
☑ downhurt
☑ jab
☑ dattack

☑ nspecial
☑ nspecial_air
☑ fspecial
☑ fspecial_air
☐ uspecial
☑ uspecial_air
☑ dspecial
☑ dspecial_air

☑ fstrong
☑ ustrong
☑ dstrong
☑ ftilt
☑ utilt
☑ dtilt

☑ nair
☑ fair
☑ bair
☑ dair
☑ uair

☑ taunt